sql=select distinct top 199 premium,cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime),ggevent.timeampm,ggevent.timehh,ggevent.timemm,genre,feature,ggevent.xid,groupname,longitudex as longitude,latitudex as latitude,ggevent.xid,timemm,timehh,timeampm,title,ggevent.zip,ggevent.city,ggevent.state,venue,location,datemmm,datedd,dateyyyy,groupname,ggevent.groupid,ggevent.areacode,ggevent.prefix,ggevent.suffix,ggevent.extension,description,ggevent.contact,ggevent.email,admission,cost,sqrt(power(69.1*(35.110055-latitudex),2)+power(53*(-89.945392-longitudex),2)) as miles from ggevent,gguser,zipcodes where approved='Y' and ggevent.title <> 'ggnew' and ggevent.title > ' ' and ggevent.groupid > ' ' and gguser.groupid=ggevent.groupid and zipcodes.zipcode=ggevent.zip and ggevent.xid=335766 order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime)
When you receive a call from a church to come and sing, knowing that this is the home church of an outstanding gospel group, it kinda gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Pastor Phillip Wilson, of Mt Calvary Baptist Church in Gallatin, invited us to come and share our music ministry in May, the 4th or the 11th. Realizing that the 11th was Mother`s Day we settled on May 4, for the 6:00 night service. This is the home church of our good friends the Rangers and we enjoy getting together, sometimes ribbing and giving each other a hard time, all in fun. This is the first visit to Mt Calvary For Anchored but I`ve told everyone in the group what a great bunch to sing to and they`re looking forward to being there. You`re invited too. Come be with us!