Gospel Echoes II of Smithfield, NC

Gospel Echoes II
Gospel Echoes II

I am Sue Baker, joined by my husband Major, my brother Freeman Holley, and his wife Judy. We enjoy ministering and sharing God`s word through the traditional gopel music we grew up with.  We are from Smithfield, N.C. Our parents sang back in the late 50`s, early 60`s as the Gospel Echoes. We chose their name and added the II for the second generation. We perform in our church, for shut-in`s, and at local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. We will sing any time and any where God calls us to.

We hope you allow us to be Christ`s disciples through music, worship and fellowship with the hope of touching a lost soul, and continuing to uplift those already in Christ. We would love to sing God`s praises for you and we ask for continuous prayer for our ministry.

Our contact information is:

Sue Baker - (919) 524-8867

Email - bakercake48@gmail.com

Schedule of Events

sql=select * from ggevent where groupid='thegospelechoesII' and datemmm > ' ' and dateyyyy > ' ' and datedd > ' ' and timehh > ' ' and venue > ' ' and city > ' ' and state > ' ' and zip > ' 'and title > ' ' order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy+' '+timehh+':'+case when timemm <= ' ' then '00' else timemm end+case when len(timeampm) > 0 then left(timeampm,1) else 'A' end +'M' as datetime)
Date Event Name
(click for event details)