The Singing Cookes/Cooke Brothers of Kingsport, Tennessee

The Singing Cookes/Cooke Brothers
The Singing Cookes/Cooke Brothers

GospelGigs URL:
Official Group Website:

Kingsport, Tennessee is home to The Singing Cookes and The Cooke Brothers. This family group made up of a mom, dad and three sons has been traveling for the Lord for fifty years.

The Singing Cookes and Cooke Brothers exemplify the meaning of true southern gospel music. Their Appalachian roots lend seasoning to their musical style while their love for the Lord and their fans come together for the perfect blend that has made this group a fan favorite for decades.

If you have the opportunity to see The Singing Cookes and Cooke Brothers when they are in your area, you won`t be disappointed. They love to meet and talk with their fans and they love to sing about the Lord!

Schedule of Events

sql=select * from ggevent where groupid='thecookes' and datemmm > ' ' and dateyyyy > ' ' and datedd > ' ' and timehh > ' ' and venue > ' ' and city > ' ' and state > ' ' and zip > ' 'and title > ' ' order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy+' '+timehh+':'+case when timemm <= ' ' then '00' else timemm end+case when len(timeampm) > 0 then left(timeampm,1) else 'A' end +'M' as datetime)
Date Event Name
(click for event details)