Ron Shamblin of Sissonville WV.

Ron Shamblin
Ron Shamblin

GospelGigs URL:
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 Hi my name Ron shamblin I am a full time singer and Evangelist.for the ten years. I was saved in 1974 Started singing for the Lord in 1979 and Preaching in 1982 I love serveing the LORD. when ever and where ever. I have been maried to the most wonderful Lady for 43 years.I enjoy travling from church to church and stste to state.singing the praises of Jesus.I have been at my home church for 20 years.                                           Adress. 74 Delsie Ln. Sissonvile WV. 25302          304-984-2243                                                    EM.

Schedule of Events

sql=select * from ggevent where groupid='ronsings' and datemmm > ' ' and dateyyyy > ' ' and datedd > ' ' and timehh > ' ' and venue > ' ' and city > ' ' and state > ' ' and zip > ' 'and title > ' ' order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy+' '+timehh+':'+case when timemm <= ' ' then '00' else timemm end+case when len(timeampm) > 0 then left(timeampm,1) else 'A' end +'M' as datetime)
Date Event Name
(click for event details)