sql=select distinct top 199 premium,cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime),ggevent.timeampm,ggevent.timehh,ggevent.timemm,genre,feature,ggevent.xid,groupname,longitudex as longitude,latitudex as latitude,ggevent.xid,timemm,timehh,timeampm,title,ggevent.zip,ggevent.city,ggevent.state,venue,location,datemmm,datedd,dateyyyy,groupname,ggevent.groupid,ggevent.areacode,ggevent.prefix,ggevent.suffix,ggevent.extension,description,ggevent.contact,ggevent.email,admission,cost,sqrt(power(69.1*(35.110055-latitudex),2)+power(53*(-89.945392-longitudex),2)) as miles from ggevent,gguser,zipcodes where approved='Y' and ggevent.title <> 'ggnew' and ggevent.title > ' ' and ggevent.groupid > ' ' and gguser.groupid=ggevent.groupid and zipcodes.zipcode=ggevent.zip and ggevent.xid=331536 order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime)
Get your tickets at https://www.quartetshow.com
It`s our 1:00 pm MATINEE featuring the Memphis Quartet Show All-Star Quartet!
What happens when you tell Michael Booth (Booth Brothers) to put together a quartet? You get The Memphis All-Star Quartet! Join Michael, Jonathan Wilburn (formerly of Gold City), Mike LeFevre (The LeFevre Quartet), and Pat Barker (The Guardians) for an afternoon of fun and great singing. Master pianist Nick Bruno (J.D. Sumner & The Stamps and The Kingsmen) will be on hand to keep everyone under control. Good luck, Nick!
Doors open at Noon.