sql=select distinct top 199 premium,cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime),ggevent.timeampm,ggevent.timehh,ggevent.timemm,genre,feature,ggevent.xid,groupname,longitudex as longitude,latitudex as latitude,ggevent.xid,timemm,timehh,timeampm,title,ggevent.zip,ggevent.city,ggevent.state,venue,location,datemmm,datedd,dateyyyy,groupname,ggevent.groupid,ggevent.areacode,ggevent.prefix,ggevent.suffix,ggevent.extension,description,ggevent.contact,ggevent.email,admission,cost,sqrt(power(69.1*(35.110055-latitudex),2)+power(53*(-89.945392-longitudex),2)) as miles from ggevent,gguser,zipcodes where approved='Y' and ggevent.title <> 'ggnew' and ggevent.title > ' ' and ggevent.groupid > ' ' and gguser.groupid=ggevent.groupid and zipcodes.zipcode=ggevent.zip and ggevent.xid=334739 order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime)
MRQ will be singing at the homecoming service of West End Freewill Baptist Church on Sunday morning, October 19, 2025. This will be our first time to visit with them and we look forward to meeting new brothers and sisters in Christ.
The church is located at 1599 5th Ave West, Springfield, TN 37172. The singing service will be 11:00 AM - Noon. After the service, the church will host a potluck meal.
We are thankful to Pastor Corbin Madden for the invitation and we are excited about making new friends at West End.
Please put this on your calendar.
Everyone is welcome!