sql=select distinct top 199 premium,cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime),ggevent.timeampm,ggevent.timehh,ggevent.timemm,genre,feature,ggevent.xid,groupname,longitudex as longitude,latitudex as latitude,ggevent.xid,timemm,timehh,timeampm,title,ggevent.zip,ggevent.city,ggevent.state,venue,location,datemmm,datedd,dateyyyy,groupname,ggevent.groupid,ggevent.areacode,ggevent.prefix,ggevent.suffix,ggevent.extension,description,ggevent.contact,ggevent.email,admission,cost,sqrt(power(69.1*(35.110055-latitudex),2)+power(53*(-89.945392-longitudex),2)) as miles from ggevent,gguser,zipcodes where approved='Y' and ggevent.title <> 'ggnew' and ggevent.title > ' ' and ggevent.groupid > ' ' and gguser.groupid=ggevent.groupid and zipcodes.zipcode=ggevent.zip and ggevent.xid=335046 order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime)
We are excited to announce that we will be returning to Portland General Baptist Church on Sunday evening, October 19, 2025.
The church is located at 107 West Market St. Portland, TN and the service starts at 5:00 PM.
We are thankful to Rev. Larry Treadway for the invitation and we look forward to worshipping with the good folks there again.
Everyone is welcome, so please put this on your calendar and join us for a wonderful night of worship and praise!