Tony Gray of Maynardville, TN

Tony Gray
Tony Gray

I am a full time Gospel Singer. I have Been Singing all of my life. I live for my Lord and Savior he has been so good to me. I have been traveling for six years now. The Lord has really been good to this Ministry. I would like to thank God for the doors he has opened and continues opening for me. The Lord is good to us all. We all need to pray for one another. We don`t pray enough. Have you ever thought about how much time we give to God? We don`t give him enough. Please pray for my ministry, and that I will always be found doing the will of Our Heavenly Farther. I sing to tell people about our Lord, to tell them that God is still alive, and that he saves lost souls. The very best of friends and family will at times leave and forsake you, but God will never leave you. You might leave Him, but He will be right where you left Him. We all need to start praying for one another. I have been singing nearly all of my life. When I first learned to talk, I began singing. I enjoy traveling and singing for the Lord and hope that I will always be a blessing to others. The Lord has been very good to me. I prayed to God and asked him to show me what should I do. He gave me an answer. He wants me to keep on singing for Him. I just can`t thank him enough. I sing to tell people about our Lord, to tell them that God is still alive, and that he saves. The very best of friends and family will at times leave and forsake you, but God will never leave you.

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sql=select * from ggevent where groupid='tonygrayministries' and datemmm > ' ' and dateyyyy > ' ' and datedd > ' ' and timehh > ' ' and venue > ' ' and city > ' ' and state > ' ' and zip > ' 'and title > ' ' order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy+' '+timehh+':'+case when timemm <= ' ' then '00' else timemm end+case when len(timeampm) > 0 then left(timeampm,1) else 'A' end +'M' as datetime)
Date Event Name
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