The Revelators Lifting up Jesus It is our vision to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world. To preach the gospel according to Gods word, and leaning totally on his guidance for each step that we take. Our vision is to work under the power of the Holy Ghost, And under the authority of our church, and the leadership thereof. Also to hold up the vision of our church, which is “ To seek out, and save that which is lost, And to shine the love of Jesus into a lost, and darkened world.” It is our vision to minister to multitudes of people, turning away no one who is in need. To work in unity as one vessel, carrying the anointing at all times. It is our vision to conduct ourselves in a Christ like manner, and submitting ourselves to those who are in authority over us. To press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, not compromising Gods word with anything. We will not count the cost, or the sacrifices that are made to work in this ministry. It is our vision to sing the songs of Zion, with joy from our hearts, never allowing our song to become merely a lip service. We will write our songs only as the inspiration of God leads us. We will work until the day that Jesus comes, in all humility, knowing, and understanding that Jesus is Lord over all. Habakkuk 2:2-3 Hi. My name is John Hile. I am the lead singer, guitar player for The Revelators. I am writing this letter so that you can get to know our group a little better. My wife, Wilma, and I formed The Revelators in 1986 when we felt that God was calling us into the ministry together. Wilma and I were married in 1988, two years later. So as you can see, God had his plan in motion before we really even knew what was going on. All we knew is that we both loved gospel music, and we wanted to do something for the Lord. In 1989 our first daughter, Tiffany was born. Little did we know what God had in store for her. In the fall of 2001 we found ourselves needing a singer. One night at practice Tiffany wanted to give it a try. She stepped up to the microphone and started singing harmony notes that nobody, including herself knew she could sing. It was hard to hold back the tears as we watched our little girl singing about Jesus. In October, of 2001 she joined The Revelators at the age of 12, fulfilling a long time dream that we had of being a family group. She is now singing, and she runs the product table for the group. Wilma Plays the piano, sings the alto part, and the biggest job of all, she keeps me in line. We couldn’t make it without her. We have come a long way since we started, and I can hardly wait to see what’s going to happen next. John Hile (Guitar, and Vocal)I have been evolved in gospel music since the age of 10. My family, (The Hile Family Singers) traveled for many years playing gospel music. I served as their drummer, and sometimes the bass player for 8 years. In 1986 I felt compelled to form The Revelators with my soon to be wife Wilma. In 1987 my family Quit traveling, but The Revelators Continued on, and we are still traveling to this day. Praise The Lord! Wilma Hile (Piano, and Vocal)I have been in the ministry all my life. My father was a preacher, and my family sang together. I have been playing the piano since I was 16 years old. I met John in 1986 and we began singing together. Now my husband, and, my daughter, and I are singing in a group together. Someday soon Brittney our youngest daughter will be singing with us as well. I am very blessed to have a Christian husband that is obedient to God, and to be a part of this ministry. Tiffany Hile (Vocal)I have pretty much always been a Revelator. I started performing on stage at the age of 3. At the age of 12, I wrote my first song and began performing regularly. I proudly stand on the stage with my family each night and perform. We are an evangelistic ministry, as well as a singing group. We enjoy doing revivals wherever the Lord opens the doors. We are a nondenominational ministry. We will minister in any church or function that calls on us, no matter what denomination. We simply preach Jesus, him crucified, raised from the dead, and coming again. We are a spirit filled ministry, and we do operate in the gifts thereof. Our ministry is operated on love offerings, and CD & tape sales. We have seen many people saved, and lives changed in both the music, and evangelistic ministries. We’re working very hard to build this ministry into what God has shown us it should be. Most of our songs are original material. I do most of the writing, and arranging, but Tiffany writes a few as well. She has become a very big part of this ministry. We have our own recording studio. We are using it to produce some of our own recordings, as well as helping other local groups who can’t afford to pay big studio prices. The Lord has certainly blessed us in all parts of our ministry, and we plan to keep working till Jesus comes.