Johnny Parrack, a name synonymous with Southern Gospel Music for 42 years. He grew up singing with his parents in Texas and culminated his career by singing with The Kingsmen Quartet in the 1970’s. Southern Gospel Music fans honored him by awarding him the “Tenor of the Year” award in 1976.
Though Johnny sang about a Savior for many years, he did not surrender his life to Christ until 1981 while on staff in a church position. Since that time, he has given himself and devoted his ministry to reaching those who sit in church pews, have been baptized and serve their church yet do not know the Savior.
Until 1993, he travelled extensively sharing Christ in churches as an evangelist until he assumed his first pastorate and served in a pastoral position. In 2009 he resumed an Evangelical Ministry and began to travel and share through song and the word. His message is clear, concise and powerful to surrender one’s life to Christ.
Every church member in America needs to hear the challenge to “examine themselves, to see if they are in the faith” as the Apostle Paul exhorted in II Corinthians 13:5. The call is clear and the message is certain that the time is short for our Savior is coming soon.
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