The Appointed Quartet is a North Georgia all male quartet based in the shadows of Chattanooga, TN. Our utmost desire is to sing songs and minister in a way that tells everyone the reason for our lives is the goodness of God and His Son Jesus Christ. Each member is a born again Christian and committed to the cause of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and each of us make that our sole and primary focus. We sing songs that minister to those in need of a Savior and to those who worship Him faithfully every day and put our focus on glorifying Him. We love to sing homecomings and concerts and spread the word of God through song and we take every opportunity available to do so. Also, a large part of our focus and ministry is in "Camp Meetings", Revivals, and Bible Conferences and allowing time following our music ministry for the preached Word of God. We would love to be in service with you and your church sometime. Please pray about having us in to join worship with you and praise to the Lord. God Bless, Appointed Quartet